Friday 3 August 2018

Clinical years best ke tak?

Hello, it has been a while since my last entry.
Actually I'm thinking of million times whether I should write this entry or not haha.I think I dont have interest to write anymore. Why why why?? I also dont know la. Maybe sebab malas kut and I dont have interesting topic to share. Ada a few comment minta tips study but I dont think I am the right and suitable person to share huhu but what I can share is once you enter medical school or any school la, you need to read more, work hard 
and hati kena kuat in order for you to survive. Nothing comes easy in this world. You need to work hard for what you want and fight for it. *actually this is a reminder for me too hehe*

Okay, now I am in my final year of medical school. Alhamdulillah. Yay yay one more year to go insyaAllah. Please pray for my success whoever read this :) Perasaan menjadi seorang senior ni agak sukar digambarkan agitteww. I still cant believe that now I already in my final year. I still can vividly remember the first day I enter medical school 4 years ago haha. At that time, I feel like 5 years is too long and I cant wait to end medical school and tup tup now I already in fifth year of medical school. How time flies! So, now I am in surgical posting which is my first posting in year 5. So far, I enjoy this posting :)

The reason why I want to write this entry is because I want  to share a bit about my clinical years journey. And entry ni akan mix sikit la malay and english. Harap-harap okay kut kan? And actually entry ni for myself jugaklah. Sebab nanti bila dah habis medical school insyaAllah, I can read back my journey as a medical student from this blog.

My previous posts mostly are about my journey as a pre-clinical student (year 1 and 2). Year 3,4 and 5 is known as clinical year/ practical. In UniKL RCMP, we are attached with Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB) for our practical during year 3 and year 4 and for final year, we are divided into 2 group, 1 group will be attached to HRPB while the other group will do their practical in Hospital Taiping. So, now I am doing my practical at Hospital Taiping and so far, I love to be here.

Okay, let me tell you the difference between pre-clinical and clinical years in UniKL RCMP. For pre-clinical years, we need to attend lectures every day. The lectures consist of topics about pharmacology, anatomy,  microbiology, parasitology, biochemistry, physiology (yang tu je rasanya, sorry tak berapa ingat sangat. Biasalah short term memory huhu) and ada juga kena ambil subject general study. Basically,  pre-clinical year is all about theory which I dont really enjoy but you need to take them seriously becuse the knowledges is very important for your clinical years. So, students who are still in year 1 and year 2, please pay more attention during lectures and read a lot and make sure you understand the topic. Do not merely memorise the topics without understand it.  For clinical years, mostly you will be at hospital for clerking cases, do physical examination on the patients, bed site teaching with doctors or lecturers, join ward round and many more. You also need to attend seminar and mostly for seminar, students need to prepare the content based on the topics given and need to present it. I enjoy clinical years more compared to pre-clinical years because I dont really like theories huhu but like I tell you earlier, theories are very important for clinical years.

Ada jugaklah yang tanya how's the exam here? So, let me explain a bit about exam system here. For pre-clinical, we got 3 papers which consist of EMQ (objective questions), MEQ (subjective questions) and OSCE (ada a few stations). Starting from my batch (2014/2019), we need to pass all the modules and we dont have final exam. Each year ada dalam 5 modules macam tu (if im not mistaken), so we need to pass all the modules. If fail any of the module, we will be given one more chance to repeat at the end of the year. If we fail during second attempt, we need to repeat the whole year. Get it? I hope orang faham apa yang I cuba explain ni. Kalau tak faham pun takpe, at least dapat sedikit gambaran for those yang nak masuk UniKL RCMP. For clinical years pulak, lebih kurang sama jugak tapi OSCE ganti dengan short case for year 3 and year 4, and long case for year 5. Short case and long case means your exam will be at the hospital and you need to examine the real patients in front of the examiner and the examiner will ask you a few questions regarding the patient's case afterwards. Same as in pre-clinical years, you also need to pass all postings in clinical years. For year 3, we have medical, surgical, orthopaedics, obstetric&gynaecology, paediatrics and public health posting. For year 4, we got mental health, primary care medicine,specialty 1 (ophthalmology, ENT, dermatology), spec 2 (A&E, Radiology, Anaesthesiology, Complementaty Alternative medicine), student's research project and Elective. For year 5, the postings are about the same as in year 3 but without public health posting and the difference is the duration for each posting. The duration of each posting for year 5 is longer than year 3. In addition, we have Profesional Exam 1 and Profesional Exam  2 and it is compulsory for us to pass both exam. Basically, Profesional Exam 1 is a combination of module for year 1 and year 2 while Profesional Exam 2 is a combination of year 3,4 and 5 posting. Pass Profesional Exam 2 means you are done with medical school and you are officially a doctor.

Okay, I think thats all for now. I think this post is quite lengthy but I hope this post beneficial to those who are needed and for those who are interested to enter UniKL RCMP.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Clinical years unlocked!

Seperti yang dijanjikan pada diri sendiri, nak update blog sikit after profesional exam hihi :)
Alhamdulillah, aku pass profesional exam yang susahnya tak tau nak kata macam mana haha and berpeluang cuti sebulan lebih after professional exam.Kebetulan profesional exam start 8 Ramadan and exam pun 3 hari, so berpeluanglah nak puasa kat rumah lama sikit compared dengan tahun lepas and alhamdulillah jugak sebab dapat raya sebulan dekat rumah tahun ni. Kite sukaaaaa sangat!
Actually esok dah nak balik Ipoh sob sob :'( sebab isnin ni dah start class. Nampak tak betapa aku malasnya nak update blog. Cakap nak update after professional exam, tapi sebab malas punya pasal, so bertangguhlah sampai ke hari ni.

My clinical years will begin real soon. Takut and cuak sangat. Dahlah kena pass semua posting and I just hope will be given more strength to face another 3 years as a medical student.
Hmm, for me year 2 is quite mencabar. Rasa macam busy sangat, mostly busy dengan general subject la-,- Maybe sebab profesional exam jugak kut. Sebab kitorang kena pass semua module before sitting for the professional exam. So, memang kena focus untuk setiap module tu betul-betul. Hari tu cuak jugaklah fikirkan professional exam ni sebab exam ni merangkumi year 1 and year 2. Mestilah nak kena start awal-awal kan. Senior ada cakap kalau boleh kena start revise 5 bulan before professional exam. Yang cuaknya, rasa macam takde masa nak focus untuk profesional exam sebab topic untuk setiap module pun quite banyak nak kena study. Basically, aku start revise untuk professional exam selepas habis semua exam module. Actually, kalau tak kena resit any exam module, kitorang ada masa lebih kurang sebulan untuk revise for the profesional exam. Memang takut jugak kalau tak sempat, tapi nak buat macam mana. Memang kena betul- betul study dalam masa sebulan tu. Masa revision weeks tu, aku pilih untuk study dekat rumah sebab entahlah rasa macam lagi okay study dekat rumah. Kalau stress pun boleh share dengan family and sedikit sebanyak dapat kurangkan stress. Tapi ikutlah sesetengah orang lagi prefer tak study kat rumah. Kalau diingatkan balik, masa revision weeks tu memang jarang sangat keluar bilik hahah. Mak selalu masuk bilik lepas tu tanya banyak lagi ke nak kena study.Hahaha. Memang banyak la jawabnya. Kalau tanya, sempat ke nak study dalam masa sebulan ni. I tell you memang tak sempat. Kalau boleh start awal tu, lagi better.

And alhamdulillah finally I did it!
Usaha, usaha jugak. Tapi kita kena selalu berdoa supaya dipermudahkan segalanya. Ingat D.U.I.T. Doa, usaha, ikhtiar, tawakal. Kalau kita usaha je, tapi tak berdoa tak boleh jugak kan begitu jugak sebaliknya, kalau berdoa tanpa usaha pun sia-sia.

Okaylah, sampai sini je coretan untuk kali ni. Nak sambung sedihlah sebab esok dah kena balik Ipoh.

Friday 6 May 2016

Profesional Exam 1

Cuak, cuak, cuak :'(

13 June 2016--- > profesional exam bermula!!! 

Alhamdulillah, exam module semua dah settle. Sekarang ni tengah tunggu result CNS. CNS is one of my favourite module :) Dulu-dulu plan nak jadi neurologist kalau nak sambung specialist nanti, tapi tengoklah macam mana nanti. Kut2 nanti minat berubah-ubah pula.

Before sitting for profesional exam, all of us must pass exam module. Harap sangat semua orang pass dan sama-sama dapat sit for profesional exam nanti. 

Preparation? Tak tahulah nak cakap macam mana. Menang kena prepare gila-gila la. Takut gila nak menghadapi exam tu. Tapi kalau takut macam mana pun still kena menghadapinya jugak nanti kan? So, jangan main-main dan teruskan study! Dont worry too much! Work harder than before memandangkan exam ni include Year 1 and Year 2. Memang banyak la nak kena cover. Sebab tu yang cuak terlebih ni.

No pain, no gain, right? 

Takpe, susah-susah sekarang as long as nanti dapat menjawab exam dengan baik, InsyaAllah :)

Dear self, stay strong for youself. Im going to make u so proud. All the best!

Doakan :))

Friday 27 November 2015


I will be sitting for End Of Module (EOM) Endocrine in just less than 5 days. I can feel my heart beats too fast and I am super freaking nervous right now! This examination will be my 7th times sitting for EOM in this medical school but the feeling is totally same each time I want to sit for the examination. Ketaq satu badan tau dak.

" If I were you, I will target score. At least if I do not score I will pass but If I target pass, if I do not pass, I will ? - My mentor, Prof Zaid

I am not a bright student so I need to work harder. I will not simply pass if I do not work harder. I always remember this quote " Kalau kamu usaha lebih kamu akan dapat lebih dan begitulah sebaliknya". Sometimes, we need to sacrifice a little bit  for our own sake. Yeah, study is not an easy task. It needs courage and consistency for you to do that. Apa yang penting, jangan malas! Niat study kerana Allah, insyaAllah He will ease your way.

dont worry, Allah is always with us :))

p/s : Do pray for my success :)

Saturday 31 October 2015

Interest vs passion

Anyeong! *bajet-bajet korea sikit*
Title omputih tapi nak tulis bm je benarnya. Sekarang ni aku dalam endocrine module, which is module yang kedua untuk tahun kedua pengajian aku di kolej perubatan ni. Baru je habis exam GIT (gastrointestinal tract) seminggu yang lalu. Senang? Of courselah susah! Takut, cuak semua ada nak dapat result nanti. Tapi bak kata Madam Fazlin "Life must go on! " Semoga semuanya baik-baik sahaja. Endocrine module 6 minggu je. Lagi 5 minggu exam lagi. Hidup aku penuh dengan exam,exam,exam dan exam lagi. Padan muka untuk diri sendiri yang gatai nak ambil medic.


Soalan cliche' kan???  Tapi tulah soalan common untuk budak medic.

Tadi ada meeting dengan lecturer and my groupmate CAS (Community Attachment Scheme) and my lecturer suruh discuss in a small group and tell your friend about yourself like one of it is why you want to be a doctor?

At  first, aku akui aku tak pernah terlintas pun nak ambil medic or apa-apa yang berkaitan medical field ni. Aku otak math and math dengan medical field ialah cabang yang sangat berbeza but I have my own reason why I choose medic.

"Interest boleh dipupuk but it has ups and down. Tapi kalau passion, kamu memang cinta and ghairah dengan apa yang kamu buat " - Prof Mohammed

Prof pun terkejut bila dapat tahu sebenarnya aku nak ambil acturial science. Prof tanya macam mana boleh tersesat dekat sini, maksudnya macam mana boleh tetiba ambil course medic pula ni. Prof suruh aku fikir betul-betul sebab risau aku tak dapat cope dengan course ni nanti. Hahah. *speechless*

But then, he said " orang yang hebat ialah apabila dia buat sesuatu, dia buat dengan bersungguh-sungguh"

Fuhhh, lega dengar prof cakap macam tu. Aku dah cuak dah mula-mula. InsyaAllah aku akan bersungguh-sungguh dengan apa yamg aku buat sekarang ni.

 Bagi aku, this is my own choice, maybe passion masih belum sepenuhnya tapi interest tu dah ada. Aku suka dengan apa yang aku buat. Stress dengan exam tu perkara biasa rasanya. Mana-mana course pun susah kalau tak study dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Dan aku yakin sesungguhnya Dia dah bagi apa yang terbaik untuk aku dan aku akan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada ni dengan sebaiknya.

Kalau rasa down or rasa nak give up, ceritalah dekat Dia sebab sesungguhnya He is the best listener.
Ask Him to guide you and insyaAllah He will help or ease
your way.

Whoever you are, if you want to do anything think wisely. Do whatever you love to do, not anyone else love to see you do that thing. Don't regret with what you are doing. Maybe what you don't like is the best for you. 

Dear self, He knows what is the best for you. Don't give up. Aja-aja fighting!

P/s : Kalau nak buat apa-apa keputusan buatlah solat istiqarah. InsyaAllah kita tak akan menyesal dengan keputusan yang kita pilih selepas tu :))

Saturday 5 September 2015

Year 2 MBBS Unlocked !

Assalamualaikun, Hi !
Esok weekend ! Yay! Nilah saat yang dinanti-nantikan setiap minggu. So, no class for 2 days :)) 
Haha. Okay happy happy juga takde class tapi study tu jangan lupa. Dahlah aku kurang faham sikit topik minggu ni. So, weekend memang kena catch up balik la topic yang tak faham tu. Kalau tak meranalah kau nanti bila dekat-dekat exam nanti. 

Actually, malam ni terasa nak menulis, eh menaip sebab ada something yang bermakna berlaku. I mean something yang make me happy. So nanti bolehlah baca balik kalau nak mengimbau kenangan lama-lama. hahah

Alhamdulillah, aku pass Year 1 MBBS ! Seronok sangat sampai rasa nak menangis tahu tak. Kalau tak silap 10/7/2015 dapat result last module which is Respiratory module then kalau lepas semua modules bolehlah cuti lama sikit. Lama tak lama sangatlah, lebih kurang sebulan lebih macam tu je. Tapi tu pun dah bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab medic bukannya banyak cuti sangat pun and best jugaklah cuti raya sebulan. Heaven! Aku pernah mengadu dekat one of my bestfriend, tak bestlah tak banyak cuti and she said to me "takpelah, medic kan tough" Hmmm, memang tough :'(  Semoga Noor Hamidah stay strong !!!

24/8/2015, dah start masuk Year 2. Sekarang ni aku dalam Gastrointestinal module ( GIT Module ). Hectic sangat jadual GIT :'(  Menangis air mata darah tengok jadual GIT . Tu over! Haha. Tapi serius baru habis minggu ke-2 aku dah terasa semput. Rasa macam tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan je ni. Sibuk sangat module ni compare dengan module-module sebelum ni. Tapi takpelah, hidup perlu diteruskan. This is my own choice and I will make it real, InsyaAllah.

Modules for Year 2 MBBS RCMP:
  • ENDOCRINE - 6 weeks.
  • NS MODULE- 8 weeks
Wajib pass kelima-lima modules tu and if u fail any of the modules, kena resit exam and then kalau pass then u can proceed with profesional exam. And kalau pass profesional exam tu then boleh masuk Year 3 ( clinical year ) 

Untuk Year 2 ni aku juga belajar Titas, Technopreneurship and Mandarin. *sila letak emoticon orang mengantuk* Tak suka tapi wajib ambil juga. Hmmm, takpelah niatkan nak menuntut ilmu insyaAllah dapat ganjarannya nanti :))

p/s : Semoga Noor Hamidah Roslal pass semua module and profesional exam dengan sekali attempt. Amiin.

*orang selalu cakap nanti bila dah kerja kau akan rindu waktu belajar and kerja lagi susah daripada belajar. So, harapnya aku dapat memanfaatkan time belajar ni dengan something yang dapat meninggalkan kenangan yang indah bila dah habis belajar nanti. Ecewah, emo pula hujan-hujan ni :') * 

Friday 12 June 2015

Sistem pembelajaran di UniKL RCMP

Assalamualaikum, hi!
Disebabkan esok cuti (yay!) dan takde mood nak study sekarang ni, nak update blog sikitlah. Rajin pula aku update blog bulan ni. Sebab banyak masa free kut,okay bohong. Takde maknanya nak ada banyak masa free. Banyak je benda kena buat. Aku je malas.
Okay, previous post aku ada cakap yang aku tengah tunggu result CVS (my second last module before entering year 2). Alhamdulillah, aku pass! Sekarang ni tinggal satu je lagi module. Fighting midah!
Image from encik google!
Biasanya, bila orang tanya "awak study dekat mana?" dan bila aku cakap "saya study dekat UniKL RCMP" mesti muka diorang berkerut-kerut. "Dekat mana tu?" Tulah persoalan yang selalu ditanya. Kebanyakannya orang tak tahu pun apa itu UniKL RCMP. Sedih jugalah tapi takpe tak kisahlah tak popular dan tak glamour sekalipun tempat tu, yang penting tu tempat kita menuntut ilmu.Actually aku pun tak tahu juga kewujudan UniKL RCMP sebelum ni. HAHAH
Orang juga akan selalu mempersoalkan tempat tu swasta ke kerajaan? hmm, UniKL RCMP adalah bawah MARA. 

Aku under Skim pelajar cemerlang (SPC) MARA. Macam mana nak dapat SPC MARA? Sesiapa yang berminat perlu alert ye. Selepas dapat result SPM biasanya MARA akan buka permohonan untuk scholarship MARA dan biasanya gap untuk permohonan tutup sekejap je. So, if you are interested to further study in overseas or local under scholarship MARA, don't miss this opportunity okay. Make sure you struggle hard during SPM and get result with flying colors dan jangan lupa untuk memohon scholarship MARA selepas dapat result SPM ! 

Sebelum dapat melanjutkan pelajaran di sini, aku perlu menghabiskan foundation selama 10 bulan di Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang dan adalah syarat-syarat yang perlu dipenuhi sebelum melayakkan diri ke UniKL RCMP. Antaranya:
  •  dapat 3.5 and above untuk kedua-dua sem
  •  pass Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
  • pass interview
  • muet band 4 ( tapi time aku band 4 adalah syarat graduasi dan band 3 untuk syarat kemasukan. Rasanya sekarang ni dah lain. Not really sure)
Alhamulillah, aku berjaya melepasi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan:)) 1/9/14 aku mendaftarkan diri ke UniKL RCMP. Mana mana cara study budak medik dekat UniKL RCMP? Meh nak cerita sikit. Kut-kutlah ada yang berminat nak study dekat sini. So, dapatlah sikit info walaupun tak banyak.
Tapi aku akan cerita pasal Sistem Pembelajaran Year 1 sajalah sebab aku pun masih merangkak lagi dekat sini.

Foyer UniKL RCMP. Image from encik google lagi.

 So, this is how UniKL RCMP looks like.
Suka sangat dengan dekorasi bangunan universiti ni. Ala-ala bentuk masjid sikit .Saya suka sangat!

E-Learning Management System (ELMS). Image from encik google.

ELMS ni ialah sistem online dan functionnya untuk lecturer-lecturer upload diorang punya lecture notes kepada students. Setiap student akan dapat ID number dan setiap student perlu memasukkan ID number dan IC number sebelum dapat access ke sistem ni. Lecturer-lecturer juga akan upload kuiz, video dan bermacam-macam teaching material dalam ELMS.

UniKL RCMP menggunakan sistem module dan start dengan batch 2014/2015 iaitu batch aku setiap students perlu pass setiap module dan seandainya fail salah satu module berpeluang untuk resit balik module yang fail at the end of year 1 dan kalau fail lagi, kena repeat balik the whole year 1. Untuk year 1 ada 5 modules.Antaranya:

  • Foundation Of Medical Sciences 1- 9 weeks
  • Foundation Of Medical Sciences 2- 9 weeks ( paling susah aku rasa setakat ni )
  • Musculoskeletal and Skin (MSSK)- 8 weeks
  • Cardiovascular System (CVS)- 8 weeks
  • Respiratory System- 6 weeks
Blue Lecture Hall. Before start lecture. Tak banyak orang lagi.Student cemerlang kena datang awal. Ihiks perasan betul kau ni padahal result cukup-cukup makan je.

Ada SLP! SLP mean SELF-LEARNING PACKAGE. SLP ni macam kuiz. Lecturer akan bagitahu topic apa yang perlu ditekankan untuk kuiz ni. SLP ni penting untuk carry marks exam.
Class tutorial. Semua orang fokus aku je yang tak fokus. Biasanya kelas tutorial 2 jam ye kawan-kawan. Tahan jelah duhai mata.

Class practical Anatomy pula. Duration:2 hours. Biasanya lecturer akan bagi explanation dulu before identify bone, artery, nerve, vein segala mak nenek laaaa dekat cadaver. Ni semua penting tau untuk OSPE. Waktu exam OSPE lecturer akan letak anggota-anggota tertentu cadaver tersebut untuk dikenalpasti. So, by hook or by crook kena fahamkan dan hafallah ye. Nak pass kan? p/s: sorry dila,kita tertangkap gambar awak :p

Macam operation theatre pun ada juga aku tengok. 
Pembelajaran dekat sini juga termasuklah lab practical(histo, patho, microb,parasitology etc),guided seminar, communication skill, problem solving problem(PSS),drama, ILA dan Introductory Clinical Exposure (ICE). Apart from that, year 1 dan year 2 juga wajib mengambil general study subject.

Macam mana dengan sistem exam dekat sini pula???

Formative Assessment (20%)
This is done during ILAs, SLP, and interactive learning sessions (Guided seminar and Drama / role play) as a continuous assessment (CONASS) and contributes 20% to the final mark.
Summative Assessment (80%)
This is done as the End of Module (EOM) assessment and contributes 80% to the final mark. There are three papers for EOM assessment i.e.:
Paper I : Extended Matching Questions (EMQ) and Single Response MCQs.
Paper II : Modified Essay Questions (MEQ)/Short answer questions (SAQs)
Paper III : Objective Structured Practical Examinations (OSPE)

p/s: ctrl c and ctrl v from handbook!

Sebab tu pentingnya CONASS. 20% okay!

Dan kehadiran ke kelas adalah 100% okay! Ikut kaulah nak suruh kawan sign ke apa, tapi kalau kantoi memang habislah. Keberkatan itu penting kan dalam menuntut ilmu. Sama-samalah mencari keberkatan barulah berjaya dunia akhirat. 

Bangunan colour putih kuning dekat belakang kitorang tu bangunan baru. Sebenarnya bangunan tu merupakan penginapan untuk students UniKL RCMP. Buat masa sekarang ni bangunan tu belum siap sepenuhnya. So, sekarang ni kami menetap di rumah sewa. InsyaAllah tahun depan bangunan ni dijangka siap.
So, this is how my life here. I'm happy although they said medicine is tough. Despite all the challenges, hardship, stress I believe there will be something beautiful awaiting for me in the future and to see the rainbow itself, we need a little rain, isn't? I just need time for all this and patience, passion are very important to keep myself strong to face all the difficulty. Have faith in Him and prostration to Him make you sane.
All the best future doctor!